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New textile materials: the most important thing to develop new quality productivity
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As a strategic and basic field, textile new materials determine the system advantages and value of the industry, and are the basic plate of development and the commanding heights of the future. In the increasingly broad scene and track, textile new materials are an important support for the textile modern industrial system, and an important engine for promoting new industrialization and accelerating the formation of new quality productivity.

On May 6, the 2024 Global Textile New Materials Innovation and Development Forum entered the international textile capital - Shaoxing Keqiao, with the theme of "gathering force, New quality and efficiency development of new kinetic energy", focusing on the frontier achievements, innovative applications and market dynamics of new textile materials, and in-depth discussion of the future development direction and potential space of the industry.

New textile materials: the most important thing to develop new quality productivity

Yuan Xiaowen, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shaoxing Keqiao District Committee and secretary of the Party Working Committee of China Textile City, pointed out in his speech that in recent years, Keqiao District has relied on the advantages of the existing printing and dyeing and chemical fiber industries, and taken advanced fibers and new composite materials as the direction, with a high starting point and high standards to promote leading enterprises; Based on the project, to cultivate new industrial clusters, new textile materials procurement center; Based on the actual industry, strengthen the research and development and industrialization of functional fibers, high-end fabrics, high value-added textiles, fashion clothing, home textiles and other fields, and efficiently promote the process of textile new technology industry. He expressed the hope that through this forum, it will promote the research, development and promotion of new technologies, new processes and new products in the field of textile new materials, cultivate new quality productivity for the high-quality development of Keqiao textile industry, and promote global textile cooperation to a new level.

"The development of new textile materials promotes the deepening and extension of product application, and the reconstruction and upgrading of the industrial system is the top priority in the development of textile new quality productivity." Sun Ruizhe, president of the China Textile Industry Federation, put forward three expectations in his speech, one is to first stand and then break, improve the leading force, focus on the development frontier, strengthen the original innovation and technology accumulation, and guide the high-end development of new fiber materials. The second is to make up for weaknesses, enhance supporting force, give full play to comparative advantages, promote the clustering and sharing of resource elements such as technology, data, and capital, and optimize the allocation, and improve the overall efficiency of the industry. The third is to link the previous and the next, enhance the transformation force, industry drive, market traction, build an innovation consortium, and accelerate the industrialization and commercialization of innovation achievements.

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