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We will promote alternative governance at the source step by step, and strengthen the chain of leading industries
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The source alternative management of textile finishing industry is a systematic project, which needs to be promoted by multiple departments, the whole chain and all aspects. It is necessary to adhere to the problem-oriented and effect oriented, accurately grasp the problems and characteristics of the new development stage of the industry, in accordance with the regulation principle of "technology maturity, an industry to promote an industry", and promote the alternative governance of the source step by step in an orderly manner, effectively improve the added value of products and market competitiveness, promote the strong chain of leading industries, and promote the green low-carbon transformation and high-quality development of the industry.

Organize and implement the classification step by step. Establish a cooperation mechanism involving leading enterprises, equipment manufacturers, raw material suppliers and scientific research institutes, break through cost and technical problems, and accelerate the development and production of low-VOCs content products and the promotion and use of mature products. It can take the lead in the composite industry to complete the source replacement, and strive to reach more than 90% of the use of this type of composite glue or water-based composite glue. Start the pilot of source replacement in the hot stamping industry, and strive to reach more than 50% of water-based adhesive use by the end of 2024. According to the situation, the paper printing, screen printing and other industry source replacement pilot.

We will promote governance of some and others. Strict entry criteria. In accordance with the "three lines, one order" control requirements, optimize the relevant EIA approval regulations, standardize the implementation of source replacement enterprises (processes), implement EIA approval and emission permit exemption management; For those who have no legal procedures and have not completed the rectification before the prescribed time, the "rigid" law enforcement efforts shall be effectively strengthened, and the shutdown and exit shall be implemented in accordance with the law and regulations.

Professional management of compaction responsibility. Strengthen standardized management, and establish a positive list on the basis of all textile finishing enterprises entering the park in principle. Enterprises that substitute low-volatile raw materials at source shall be included in the positive list management in accordance with the requirements of the committed record system, and the supervision shall adopt a no-matter approach. Industrial parks (industrial plants) assume daily management responsibilities, encourage third-party professional management and operation, enhance information disclosure, guide the atmosphere of the whole society to participate in supervision, so that enterprises can feel at ease in production and people can feel at ease in life.

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