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Focus on textile and other 100 billion yuan industry to enhance competitive advantage
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Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Action Plan to promote the high-quality construction of National New Areas" (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"), from the aspects of enhancing the scientific and technological and industrial competitiveness of national new areas, clear the focus of the next three years to promote the key tasks. We will further consolidate the strong driving force for inspiring national-level new districts to take on responsibilities and start businesses, strengthen the leading functions of pioneering exploration and demonstration, and create an important growth pole for promoting high-quality regional economic development.

At present, there are 19 state-level new areas in China, including Pudong in Shanghai, Xiongan New Area in Hebei and Binhai in Tianjin, Liangjiang in Chongqing, Zhoushan Islands in Zhejiang, Lanzhou, Nansha in Guangzhou, Xixian in Shaanxi, GUI 'an in Guizhou, West Coast in Qingdao, Jinpu in Dalian, Tianfu in Sichuan, Xiangjiang in Hunan, Jiangbei in Nanjing, Fuzhou, Central Yunnan in Yunnan, Harbin, Changchun and Ganjiang in Jiangxi.

The "Action Plan" proposes that in consolidating and improving the competitive advantage of the new area's 100 billion level and leading industries, focusing on industries with an annual output value of 100 billion yuan or 1-2 leading industries in the new area such as automobiles, new displays, equipment manufacturing, petrochemical and chemical industries, smart home appliances, and textiles, targeted policies and measures are proposed by the province (city) where they are located to support the implementation of manufacturing technology transformation and upgrading projects. We will strengthen the guarantee level of resource factors and attract the agglomeration of key links in the industrial chain.

The Action Plan supports the New area in optimizing the layout of key industries. We will promote the improvement of the quality and efficiency of the national demonstration bases for new industrialization industries in the New Area, support qualified areas to focus on the development of advanced manufacturing clusters in the New Area, encourage the construction of pilot and pilot areas related to the advantageous industries in the New Area, and encourage the creation of green factories, supply chains and industrial parks.

The action plan also proposes to take multiple measures to expand effective demand and deepen reforms in key areas. Among them, in promoting the expansion and quality improvement of characteristic consumption, we will actively explore the market potential of local characteristic industrial products, standardize the development of new business forms and new models such as online sales and live e-commerce, help build a smooth and efficient production and marketing chain, and promote the improvement of product influence.

In terms of cultivating new forms of consumption, support new districts with conditions to strengthen the "first-store economy" and "first-launch economy" according to local conditions. We will support state-level new districts such as Pudong in Shanghai, Binhai in Tianjin, Liangjiang in Chongqing and Nansha in Guangzhou in actively building themselves into important carriers of international consumption centers. We will further implement the "three products" action of increasing variety, improving quality, and creating brands, comply with the trend of changing consumption concepts, explore and cultivate a number of independent, emerging, high-end, and niche brands, and cultivate new consumption growth points such as domestic "fashion products".

The Action Plan supports the New District to deepen reforms in key areas and implement special policies for talent introduction. Encourage relevant provinces (municipalities) to combine the development needs of 100-billion-level industries and leading industries, and give more medium and senior professional and technical title recognition authority.

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