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The first China Textile and Garment Digital Fashion Industry Conference was held in Hefei
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On January 20, the China Textile and Garment Digital Fashion Industry Conference was held at the China (Hefei) Clothing Original Design Base in Yaohai District, Hefei City. This is the first national textile and garment digital fashion industry conference, China Textile Industry Federation, representatives of domestic original design brands, excellent designers and representatives of textile and garment industry enterprises attended the meeting.

The first phase of China (Hefei) Clothing original Design Base opened on New Year's Day in 2024, and the current investment rate has reached 73%, and 23 clothing brand enterprises have been settled. The participants understood the planning, construction and operation management of the base on the spot, and fully affirmed that Yaohai District of Hefei City promoted the transformation of leading industries and created new regional growth points through urban transformation and renewal.

Fashion clothing industry is a sunrise industry that will never end. As an urban area with good industrial genes and the leading textile and garment industry in the province, Yaohai District is attracting more upstream and downstream enterprises of the industrial chain to settle down, inviting more new designers to settle in, forming an integrated industrial ecology of design, production and sales, and vigorously exploring the integrated development model of "online sales + offline experience". Improve the functional configuration of clothing accessories, catering, parking Spaces, etc., and strive to build the China (Hefei) clothing original design base into a new bright spot in the old city, a card point for Internet celebrities, and a consumption growth point.

At the event site, original brands and well-known designers in the industry signed contracts to settle in. China Textile Industry Federation, Anhui Provincial Economy and Information Technology Department, Hefei Municipal government to build Hefei Fashion garment Industry Capital strategic cooperation framework agreement signed. According to the plan, Hefei will hold a series of activities such as Hefei Fashion Week and the National Textile and Garment AI Design Competition in 2024.

The relevant person in charge of the China Textile Industry Federation said that Anhui's textile industry has a good foundation, and the operating income of textile enterprises above designated size in the province ranks 7th in the country in 2022. China Textile Industry Federation is promoting the new layout of digital fashion, creating new momentum of digital fashion, forming a new trend of digital fashion, and will actively contribute to the construction of Hefei fashion garment industry capital in the future. 

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